Friday, September 23, 2011

The Fifth Season of the Year- Dance

Dance classes started again last week. After a whole month without them, I was chomping at the bit to get back in. For those of you who don't know me, I am also a dance instructor. My parents started me in dance classes when I was around 4 years old, and with the exception of a few periods of time on and off to recover from injuries, I have been dancing ever since. I officially started teaching with a studio when I was 21, and have loved every minute.It has never been my primary career, but rather a "job" which gives me payment in so many other ways,and for me, is so much for satisfying than performing ever could be.  In my time as an instructor, I have watched nervous little girls turn into composed, talented and graceful young women who operate with poise and maturity well beyond their years- who have gone on beyond the studio walls to accomplish great things. There is something about the beauty of seeing a piece of choreography come together with my students- the glimmer of understanding in their eye when they finally grasp a difficult move, or the experience of watching them come off the stage with tears of joy to tell me that they put everything they had into a performance. It makes it all worthwhile. I am truly thankful for the opportunity I have every time I set foot back in the studio.

Dance over the years:

1 comment:

  1. i so wish i had grown up dancing! what a wonderful thing to have in your life. :]
