Friday, September 9, 2011

Corny Post

It's the end of summer, or the beginning of fall, depending on whose opinion of the weather you are listening to this week. Things are still busy around the Anderson Homestead. Sweet Corn is in season, and last night, I managed to shuck, cook, cut and freeze a bushel and transport it into 20 2-quart freezer bags- that's about 60 ears of corn. Purchased from the farm just a few miles up the road, it was another step towards my "know where your food comes from" theory. Plus, it is just delightfully tasty!  Tried to get the applesauce done last night too, but ran out of hours in the day, so that will be soon! Here are a few pictures of the before, during and after, along with my little helper, who has been experiencing his first summer of corn on the cob.

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