Friday, April 13, 2012


Some ramblings this morning... draw your own conclusions.

As I get older, I find myself becoming more and more concerned about the world around me, how I take care of myself and my family, and (since I am the primary chef in the family), what I put in our bodies. Recently I have seen much debate regarding natural food processes, organics, non-GMO seeds and plants and the many fights for and against both.

I truly think what I choose to put in my body is a personal decision.  I think it is a manner of choice, and being able to make that choice for myself, not fear of what may or may not be. I respect those who say altered foods are totally safe BUT I think that nothing is an exact science, and the world is about calculated risks. Each decision we make is about weighing those potential risks. And I want the information available to be able to weigh those risks.  For example, many believe that to be a vegetarian is a healthier way to live, both ethically and morally. Me- while I have spent a great deal of time researching- understand, respect and appreciate their concerns, I enjoy a burger, nice tasty steak and BBQ pork from time to time. When I DO eat meat, I try as hard as I possibly can to "know my food." I try to avoid additives, chemicals, hormones, etc.  We purchase locally grown beef from a farmer we KNOW. As of this week, my eggs will also come from a local person we know. In the summer I try to grow as many of our vegetables as I can. I like knowing HOW my food was raised. I believe it is part of my responsibility to myself, my family, and our bodies.

It makes me feel good.

The Garden Begins- April 2012

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