Thursday, March 1, 2012

Home and Stranded on the Couch

I know... I know... all those resolutions, and yet here I am... wondering again why it took so much effort to get back on here and post again.

I had knee surgery about a week ago. Nothing too serious, just some repair work that has reminded me that maybe I am not quite as young as I like to imagine I still am. But it has left me fairly immobile-so, here I sit,  six days later- leg elevated on more pillows than I care to admit I own, ice packs lovingly applied, and the continious din of the television in the background. It's a good thing I had plently of work I could do from the couch today, because, just for the record, daytime television leaves a LOT to be desired. No, really... A LOT. I really don't care if you thought he was the father of your child, but he actually was the father of your step-sister, or anything equally as twisted. Nor do I care that this years MUST HAVE item is cosmetics that enable me to match my eyeshadow to my leopard print pumps (not making this up, I swear!!) Netflix was a godsend earlier in the week, and I managed to catch up on all those shows and movies that for years I have thought... "hmmm... I bet that would be good.."

Which leads me to my tip of the day. Watch the movie "Outsourced." What a great flick. While some of the humor is a little off colour, it has a great ending, and I promise, you won't be disappointed.

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