Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I Felt the Earth Move

I'm back. I did not forget I had a blog that I swore diligently that I would update once a week. I did, however, learn that even once a week can be crazy for me. I'll try better from now on.

We had an earthquake here yesterday. Yes, an earthquake. In Pennsylvania. And NY. And apparently the whole Eastern Seaboard. I felt my desk shake and realized I was moving too. I was beginning to wonder if I had finally taken one too many Benadryl during allergy season and it finally was affecting my brain. However, upon quickly speaking with my co-worker, I deduced I was not crazy as she was moving too.  Further reports upon coming back inside (I don't know why, but standing outside sounded like a much more logical solution than remaining in a building while it was shaking like it was on the spin cycle in a washing machine), from Twitter and Facebook indeed confirmed it- everyone else felt the same thing too. And it was all anyone could talk about- FOR THE REST OF THE DAY.

You have to understand, in all my life, I have NEVER experience an earthquake. So while all we got was a little shaken around, it was a big deal! I will say this. I have no desire to ever experience the real thing. Feeling like a ride there is no getting off of is NOT my thing. I like stable ground, thank you very much.  

I promise- from now on, much more exciting (and frequent) posts.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I Love Fresh Summer Food

Part of last night's feast fresh from my garden. I love fresh, homegrown tomatos. I wait all year long for the moment the first one comes off the vine- I can't imagine NOT growing them! Biting into one is like tasting summer and sunshine, and those few short weeks when I can walk out the door and pick them make up for the months of the cardboard like substitutions in the store.They paired with the basil I grow and some nice fresh mozz. cheese for gluten free grilled pizza. Picked up some sweet corn from the Shields farm down the road for a tasty summer supper side dish.