Thursday, July 28, 2011

Longing for fall

It is 66 degrees and pouring rain outside my window right now. Back in April, that sounded balmy. Today, after weeks on end of heat in the 80's and 90's, the exact same weather is a welcome relief. More than anything, the chill in the air on the way to work this morning reminded me of fall, my favorite time of the year. I just have so much to love about the whole season- the scent of apples cooking down into my mom's famous applesauce, the leaves falling and the torment they seem to bring my husband as he thinks he has FINALLY gotten them all raked-only to discover the yard completely covered again the next day, the smell of a jack-o-lantern as the candle inside it slowly bakes the pumpkin and the gathering of our friends as we all get together to make cider at their house.

We've been working on getting ready for fall lately around the old homestead- and of course, the annual Halloween party. It started out as a small affair shortly after we were married, but every year, it seems to grow. The chilly weather we have today serves as inspiration to want to start decorating now. Tonight, I think we shall build props!

I am sure in another day or two, the tropical heat and humidity will return to remind me summer is far from over, but tonight when I go home, I think I will pull some of last year's applesauce and pumpkin bread out of the freezer, curl up with my favorite blanket and pretend for just a few more hours that fall is finally here.

Just a few shots from over the years...

Monday, July 11, 2011

Learning about me

You've found me. Frankly, my family members (the ones I allow to know this blog exists) may be surprised to be sitting in their chair reading these words. I am the only person I know who at the tender age of 12, singlehandedly almost destroyed plumbing in a home with oatmeal cookies gone bad. To my credit... I did just try to dump them down the drain.From that point on, I was the butt of most cooking jokes! Now, they ask me to bring food their gatherings all the time. Guess who's laughing now, folks!

The only other things you need to know: I am me, or am at least, trying to find me. After 33 years on this planet, I am just beginning to figure out who that is. I am a hopeless romantic who likes to believe there is a little good in every person, you just have to see it. I want to change the world, or at least a little corner of it. I despise injustice and close minded people. I love my family and hold them close to my heart. I love all things fantasy and live for the fall. I love to cook. I DO love walks on the beach, but enjoy walks through the woods just as much. I love travel, but am always glad to come home.

Read my words if you like- maybe you'll find yourself too.